Experienced Woodlands Attorney Practices Collaborative Divorce

Focused, compassionate representation in a cooperative setting

Resolving family law and divorce issues can be complicated, painful and emotional. If you’re facing issues such as divorce, paternity, custody or premarital agreements, you may want to take a look at collaborative law. It’s an efficient and effective alternative to traditional litigation. The Law Office of Jerry Porter puts a special emphasis on collaborative family law, so trust in one of the top collaborative law attorneys in The Woodlands, Texas.

Many divorcing couples are seeking a more constructive and respectful alternative to litigation that’s private, focused on their needs and puts control of the outcome in their hands. Just like mediation, this process is not for everyone. But, when appropriate, collaborative divorce can save you time, money and stress.

How does a collaborative divorce work?

The foundation of the collaborative process is that both spouses and their attorneys commit to resolve the issues in their divorce without going to court. The parties settle their disputes through negotiation instead of litigation. The “collaborative team” meets in a series of joint sessions where everyone works to come to an agreement on difficult issues.

Either spouse has the option of withdrawing from the collaborative process at any time, but if they do, both of the original family law attorneys must withdraw. This might seem extreme, but the “pain” of hiring new lawyers is a very powerful incentive to make the collaborative process work. Everyone involved is motivated to find solutions that work for each party.

What is the benefit of the collaborative approach?

Compared to expensive and time consuming litigation, a collaborative divorce can offer time savings and financial savings. In situations where an uncontested divorce is impossible, there are a number of benefits that the collaborative approach offers:

  • Save money — Litigated divorces can be extremely expensive and the collaborative approach can offer significant savings.
  • Reduce stress — Collaborative clients often develop a sense of control and hope about the future.
  • Control the timing of your case — You’re not at the mercy of the court’s calendar.
  • Protect your privacy — None of the materials prepared for your negotiation sessions will be public.
  • Get professional help — In a collaborative case, spouses often share expert resources such as financial professionals and child experts to find creative solutions to their issues.

I can help you determine if collaborative divorce is a good option for you, and then guide you through the process.

Find out if collaborative divorce is right for you

Your family law dispute deserves the focused attention of an experienced and concerned attorney. The Law Office of Jerry Porter is conveniently located in The Woodlands, Texas, and assists clients in the greater Houston area. To schedule a consultation, call 346.333.1835 or contact Jerry Porter online.