Complex or Simple, Experienced Woodlands Attorney Can Help with Your Divorce

Personal service and strategy suited to your individual circumstances

The decision to dissolve your marriage has no doubt been a difficult one, and probably long in coming. Any unnecessary complications and delays would only add to the emotional toll. At the Law Office of Jerry Porter, we understand your need for an efficient, responsive process and thorough closure. I listen to your concerns and your plans for your life after divorce, and work closely with you to develop an appropriate and effective strategy to achieve your goals. Although divorce is rarely amicable, capable and experienced legal representation can make it less contentious and provide you with peace of mind throughout the process.

How the divorce process works in Texas

Texas allows for no-fault divorce on the basis of insupportability, which means that the marriage relationship has broken down beyond any reasonable hope of reconciliation. No-fault divorce allows a dissolution to go forward without proof that either spouse’s bad conduct is to blame. No-fault divorce has the potential for being less rancorous and affords the couple a greater degree of privacy. Traditional grounds still exist, so a petitioner for divorce can allege any of the following:

  • Abandonment
  • Physical abuse
  • Mental or emotional cruelty
  • Adultery
  • Conviction of certain criminal charges

There is a residency requirement to file for divorce in Texas. You must have been a resident of the state for six months and a resident of the county for 90 days. There is a 60-day waiting period after you file before the court can grant your divorce. However, the overwhelming majority of divorces take longer than 60 days to resolve all the ancillary issues, either by settlement agreement or trial. I help my clients form realistic expectations about the process and focus on tangible goals for litigation.

Understanding what is at stake in your divorce proceeding

Divorce is often less about ending your marriage than it is about beginning the next phase of your life. The point of the divorce process is to settle the past and lay a firm foundation for the future. Decisions regarding the division of property and alimony will affect your future finances. Decisions on child custody will affect the quality of your relationships with your children. It is vitally important that you choose an attorney to manage negotiations and, when necessary, litigation of these issues.

I have experience in a variety of dispute resolution methods, including mediation and collaborative divorce, so you can choose the method that best suits your circumstances. I have successfully managed many high-net worth divorces, so you can trust my experience when it comes to property issues. I work diligently to achieve optimal results the first time, through a marital settlement agreement or trial, to spare you the trouble of seeking post-divorce modifications. When you retain my services, you get compassionate assistance, undivided loyalty and a strategy that fits your circumstances and goals.

Contact an experienced divorce attorney in The Woodlands

Finding the right attorney to manage your divorce litigation can make all the difference in your case. At the Law Office of Jerry Porter, you benefit from more than 30 years of experience and a determination to serve. To schedule a consultation, call 346.333.1835 or contact The Woodlands office online.